

九州娱乐官网 Researchers Work Alongside Zambian Leaders Implementing a Novel 非洲药物使用干预课程

The research team for the clinical manuscript together in a virtual meeting

There is an African parable that states, "If you want to go far, go together". 这 is a fitting description of the journey of three 九州娱乐官网 researchers and two Zambian professionals taking on the clinical study of a curriculum delivering sustainable, locally-owned and accessible care for people diagnosed with substance 赞比亚的使用障碍.

The idea began in 2014, when Melissa Davis Stuebing, founder of CoLaborers International – a non-profit organization helping women and children reached by indigenous-led organizations around the world - became aware of homeless youth coming to the center in Zambia under 毒品的影响. 在寻找了当地的资源后,很明显 treatment options were very limited, largely due to the stigma associated with substance 滥用.

Stuebing – who was also lead counselor with Kent County’s Crisis Program at the A.F. Whitsitt Center – was at the time pursuing her Master’s degree in psychology at Washington College, and discussed these findings with her graduate program advisor, 劳伦李特佛尔德心理学教授. 利特菲尔德认识到斯图宾的主动性,鼓励他 her to research the issue by designing a culturally appropriate intervention as her 硕士论文. Stuebing was already working alongside Zambian community leaders, including Chipo Nambeye, a childcare worker who is a co-author on the latest research article.

Having used expressive arts informally as an adjunct to treatment in the US and abroad, it seemed natural for Stuebing to turn to cultural art forms in Zambia as a therapeutic metaphor to apply cognitive behavioral, rational emotive behavioral, and 12 Step principles. She delved into art forms such as gourd art, drumming, call-and-response singing, painting, games, horticulture, weaving, and story-telling to develop what came to 他被称为"12步无读写表达艺术疗法”课程.

Incorporating creative processes like visual arts, music, and performances are methods that can engage clients who might not respond to traditional talk therapies. “艺术 have a way of speaking to the soul, past the cognitive mind, past the behavioral defenses that arise when we only talk about things overtly,” said Stuebing. “我希望活动 即使在药物的影响下,也会吸引人吗.”


PHOTO: Zambian professionals trained in "12步无读写表达艺术疗法" 在他们自己的社区里传递信息. 这张照片是在恩多拉训练后拍摄的. 另一个 一组专业人员在卢萨卡受训.

Hjordis Lorenz ’16, became involved with the project in the fall of 2015 – her senior undergraduate year -- when she completed a year-long placement at Kent County Crisis 作为心理学实习生. 和斯图宾搭档实习真是 actually by design, as 李特佛尔德, advisor to both women, recognized their shared 兴趣和他们一起工作的机会.

“我们开玩笑说她是我们的媒人,”洛伦兹说. “这说明了华盛顿的很多情况 大学教授,他们非常了解你. 他们不只是把你和你的 research interests, but also with personalities who have similar drive and motivation.”

Lorenz and Stuebing conducted a clinical study of the US version of the curriculum 在一个.F. Whitsitt中心. 数据显示,课程改善了客户的态度 复苏. Additionally, inpatients who were exposed to the curriculum experienced 比那些没有经历过的人有更多的积极结果(《九州娱乐官网》 体积 38, 2020).

In 2016, 九州娱乐官网’s Cater Society funded a research grant for Lorenz to field test the Zambian version of the curriculum with homeless youth in Zambia. 洛伦兹的 field work, facilitated by CoLaborers International, was supervised by Stuebing and 李特佛尔德.

Stuebing shared research findings with Zambia's Ministry of Health, and as a result they endorsed a large-scale training of Zambian organizations 在课程中. 这 is when Gabriel Lungu – psychiatric nurse and mental health officer for the Ministry 成为了研究团队不可或缺的一员. 引入本地连接 full circle, funding for the training was provided by the Chestertown Rotary Club 及扶轮国际基金会. 然后在2018年,斯图宾、洛伦兹、南拜和 several others trained 100 Zambian professionals, representing over 40 nonprofits, 在课程中. The Zambian professionals subsequently carried the curriculum into 他们的社区,扩大治疗的可及性.

赞比亚的这项研究发表在一本同行评议的杂志上 成瘾行为报告 2022年6月. Training 在课程中 helped Zambian providers to place higher 治疗滥用药物者的价值. 培训后,赞比亚专业人士 used the curriculum at their respective facilities where data for 200 clients was 收集. Curriculum-based treatment increased client participation while simultaneously 减少药物使用频率.

Throughout this journey, Zambia has been expanding its substance use provisions, aiming to emphasize addiction as a mental health problem and to increase awareness. 在 meantime, Nambeye and Lungu are still working in Zambia, advocating for this population.  Stuebing has continued as Chief Executive Officer of CoLaborers International, and 洛伦兹获得了博士学位.D. 牛津大学实验心理学博士, UK.  李特佛尔德 remains dedicated to her teachings at 九州娱乐官网, and to supporting as many students as possible in similarly innovative and meaningful endeavors.

“It was a literal journey to Zambia for them but also an emotional journey of these brilliant and selfless individuals coming into their own as researchers,” said 李特佛尔德. “I am so proud of Melissa and Hjördis and of what we were able to accomplish together!”

要阅读他们的开放获取论文, 点击这里 或者听听他们在这个短视频中讲述自己的故事: http://youtu.be/uDZTVxtzF1Y

Top Photo: The research team for the 2022 clinical manuscript collaborated across 三大洲. Pictured are co-authors Melissa Stuebing, Chipego Nambeye, and Hjördis Lorenz (top row); 劳伦·利特菲尔德和加布里埃尔·伦古(下图).